Sunday, September 12, 2010

A Little "Me Time"

Last week was incredibly busy, so much to do with very little "me time".  Tuesday was a gorgeous early fall day here in Maine, and since I knew I'd probably not have any shooting time the rest of the week, I grabbed my camera and headed up the road to a garden of Cosmos plants.  I love shooting Cosmos, they always look like they are dancing on the slightest breeze, they are such beautiful and graceful flowers. It was 7AM, just after sunrise, and the light was warm and lovely. There was a slight wind so I did have to wait for lulls to get the shots I wanted, but I am a patient photographer! I shot with my Lensbaby Muse, single glass optic and the  +4 macro diopter.

 I shot for about an hour, and came home with some keepers and that wonderful, peaceful feeling that time with my camera always brings to me.

Wishing you some "me time" this week!

Happy shooting,